Webinar 5: Gender Equality and UN Women HeForShe

Toronto, Canada – Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Gender equality and gender-based violence is not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue. Men play an important role as advocates for gender equality and an end to Gender-Based Violence.

KCA has made a commitment to uplift UN Women’s HeForShe initiative. In the upcoming webinar KCA extends the invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a united effort for gender equality.

Join the conversation in the fifth and final installment of KCA's webinar series that will bring together community leaders who are working towards building more safe and equitable spaces for everyone in our communities.

Topic: Gender Equality and UN Women’s HeForShe
Date: Saturday, November 6th, 2021, 3:00pm to 5:30pm ET

To participate, please register for free at Eventbrite

The free and inclusive online event will feature panelists aligned with the UN Women’s HeForShe movement, scholars, and advocates who pledge to stand for gender equality.

This webinar series is supported by funding from the Government of Canada through the Canadian Women’s Foundation, Safer + Stronger COVID-19 Emergency grant.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding gender-based violence, please contact outreach@kcacanada.org

For more about this webinar series, contact ict@kcacanada.org

Follow KCA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, for more information.

If you’d like to catch up on past webinars before you attend this one, access the recorded video on the Kenyan Canadian Associations YouTube channel

The KCA is dedicated to implementing programs and offering services to Black, other racialized communities, and socially-excluded groups residing in Canada. Learn more at www.kcacanada.org