Micro-Grant Youth Project Closing Dinner March 28, 2024

Kenyan Canadian Association (KCA) and Uzima Women Relief Group are thrilled to invite the Micro-Grant beneficiaries to the grand finale of the 2023-2024 Microgrant Program at our Closure Dinner on Thursday, March 28, 2024 3:00pm - 8:00 pm EST at Istar Banquet Hall in Etobicoke.

The event aims to celebrate the achievements made by the Micro-Grant beneficiaries in their projects. The Micro-Grant Program is funded by Canada Service Corps, where 100 youth were each awarded with $5,000 to carry out youth-led community service projects.

The evening will be filled with success stories, a sumptuous dinner, issuance of Certificates of Completion, opportunities for the beneficiaries to network, and entertainment to keep everyone dancing.

Keep it here for more updates about the event!


Tel: +1 249 288 0887

Email: microgrant@uzimawomeninternational.org