KCA Career, Education & Research Program

Kenyan Canadian Association unwavering support to Newcomers aims at providing valuable support and resources to various racialized groups particularly focusing on the Black communities.

In this light, KCA held the Newcomers Fair in the City of Brampton, Ontario on December 9, 2023

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the sponsors without whom this event wouldn't have been such a resounding success including Algoma University, Humber College, and Sheridan College.

Their commitment to personalized education, experiential learning, and creative innovation made a positive impact during the information sessions for newcomers. Their support was instrumental, and we look forward to more collaboration in empowering and transforming lives through education.

For more information on our programs and how you can get involved please contact us at:

Tel: 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org

Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org 
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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